Android Police[Update: Works On The OG Transformer, Too!] Exclusive: ‘NachoRoot’ Brings Root Access To The Transformer Prime, Even With The Newest Firmware

adb push nachoroot.bin /data/local/ adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/nachoroot.bin adb shell /data/local/nachoroot.bin –stage1 adb reboot <wait for boot> adb shell /data/local/nachoroot.bin –stage2 adb reboot <wait for boot> adb shell id <if id is 0 / root then continue, else start over> adb remount adb push su /system/xbin/su adb shell chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su adb shell /data/local/nachoroot.bin –undo adb reboot

引用元: Android Police[Update: Works On The OG Transformer, Too!] Exclusive: ‘NachoRoot’ Brings Root Access To The Transformer Prime, Even With The Newest Firmware.


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